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how to tip waste

How Much to Tip Waste? – Information on Landfill Gate Fees

how to tip wasteLandfill Gate Fees in the UK – How Much to Tip Waste in the UK

To answer the question of: “How much to tip waste?” for the citizens of the U.K. The UK government funded “WRAP” organisation publishes a Gate Fees Report annually. Its Gate Fees Report for 2012 is available on the WRAP website.

This report is issued annually to provide an updated summary of charges for a range of alternative waste treatment, recovery and disposal options across the UK, including landfill disposal. This Gate Fees Report compares current charges with those in previous years, and summarizes UK industry's feedback on possible factors that may influence future gate fees.

The approximate average landfill gate fee for non-hazardous material for UK landfill disposal, is around £120/ tonne in total, including the standard rate of landfill tax in 2019 which is £91.35.

From April 2020 the landfill tax will rise to £91.70 .

It is not surprising that the tonnages going to landfill are reducing, because in the UK, for the disposal of waste for anaerobic digestion, the median gate fee was £41 per tonne, with a range of £35 to £60 per tonne.

The market dynamics for waste management increasingly revolve around the diversion of waste from landfill. The implementation of landfill tax has become the most significant marketing driver in the UK and has created attractive opportunities for the recycling and treatment of waste.

Landfill Gate Fees in the US – How Much to Tip Waste in the United States

Landfill gate fee and occupation tax: The city of Lincoln charges a combined fee of $21.00 per ton.

Fees for Landfill Tax vary from state to state in the US. They average around US$42 per metric ton but can reach $100/m ton.

Landfill Gate Fees in the EU – How Much to Tip Waste in the United States

The following table is from a Eunomia Report published in 2001:

How Much Does it Cost to Tip Waste - EU Landfill Gate Fees Table.
Click on the image to enlarge.

Landfill Gate Fees in Australia – How Much to Tip Waste in Australia

The report provides a review and summary of Australian data and methods for estimating the costs of the disposal of waste to landfill, a comparison with international data and methods, and estimates for the cost of the disposal of putrescible waste to landfill in Australia. Estimated costs of the disposal of putrescible waste to landfill range between $45 and $105 per tonne of waste in urban areas and between $42 and $102 per tonne in rural areas depending on the level of management controls and prevailing climate. see the following links:



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  1. A lot of times it’s difficult to get the dumping price. Please give us a list of local prices. This will help me sir.

    • GarfO
    • 11 January 2020

    I’m in England. What will the landfill tax be when it goes up on the annual escalator scale this April? Thanks

    • Joanna Theraisa
    • 14 January 2021

    Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans. It was Jacques Yves Cousteau who said that at least 30 years ago.

    When you tip into a landfill it’s not long before your waste affects the air and water quality badly. So, please think of that when tipping your things away.

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