List of 4 Thermal Treatment Processes For Solid Waste Management
Facing the problem of what to do with rubbish in your town or region? Thermal treatment processes can turn waste into energy and other useful by-products. This article explores different ways we can manage waste, helping us make smarter choices for the environment. Keep reading to find out more. Key Takeaways Thermal treatment changes rubbish into energy and other […]
The Legal Definition Of “Waste” and the “End of Waste”
Unravelling the legal definition of waste in British law. Understanding what counts as waste has always been tricky, but nowadays recycling makes it more so. One key fact is that laws do help define when something is waste, but they can soon become restrictive if you take a waste, and process it in some way to […]
Five Ways To Mitigate Climate Change
Climate change is a pressing issue facing our world today. Every day, we see the effects of rising global temperatures – from extreme weather events to diminishing ice caps. In 2013, for a stark example, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went over 400 parts per million for the first time in human […]
A Guide To Simpler Recycling Of Food Waste For Local Authorities
Recycling food waste can be difficult. Many people find it hard to know what they can recycle already. Now the overriding importance of preserving the environment means food waste must be recycled, making it even more complex. The UK government, while implementing food waste recycling in all of the UK, by April 2026, has made […]
Thermal Treatment Of Waste – Incineration To Pyrolysis The Ultimate Guide
Dealing with waste is a big problem for all communities. Every year, we produce billions of tonnes of waste worldwide. This article will guide you through the thermal treatment of waste, from incineration to pyrolysis, offering solutions to reduce this burden. Stay informed and make a difference. Understanding Thermal Treatment of Waste A waste-to-energy plant […]
Compost Depackaging Systems for Microplastic Free Commercial Compost
How to use compost depackaging systems to produce microplastic-free commercial compost. Everyone hates finding bits of plastic in commercially available garden compost. The good news is that efficient depackaging and separation machinery is now available to remove plastic bags and miscellaneous plastic items. So, for the sake of the environment, the composting industry should cease […]
Mastering The Complete Life Cycle Analysis Of A Product: A Comprehensive Guide
A comprehensive guide to mastering a product’s full life cycle analysis. In other words, why it makes sense for any business to prepare and use a life cycle analysis of a product, and how to set about doing it. Struggling to understand how products impact the planet? A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can reveal this. […]
The Impact of Taxing Plastic Bags on Consumer Behaviour and Environmental Sustainability
Discover the positive changes in consumer behaviour and environmental sustainability resulting from taxing plastic bags. Read more here! Taxing Plastic Bags
Clarification of Permitted Biomass Boiler Fuels for Wood Recyclers
A recent development in biomass boiler fuels and the fuels permitted in the UK is that Wood Recyclers are seeking clarification regarding permitted Biomass Boiler Fuels. Back in 2017 when we first published this article, the Wood Recyclers Association (WRA)) was calling for clarification on exactly what grades of wood are acceptable for small-scale RHI […]
Where Does Waste Go When You Flush The Toilet: A Journey Through The Sewage System
Have you ever wondered where everything goes once you flush the toilet? It’s a question that piques the curiosity of many, yet remains shrouded in mystery for most. Every day, countless litres of waste and water swirl away from our sight, embarking on an unseen journey. Interestingly, when we press that flush button, the waste […]
Turning Landfill Gas to Energy – Energy From Waste – A More Sustainable Solution
Converting landfill gas to energy is an urgent global prerogative right now in the mid-2020s, as the rate of climate change seems to be accelerating, as the IPCC and recent COP meetings have stressed. All waste now being landfilled really badly needs to be completed in discrete phases of filling with each annual completion covered as […]
Turning Garbage Into Energy – Energy From Waste – A More Sustainable Solution
Turning garbage into energy is also a way of recycling waste into usable energy. It is called “energy extraction” in the waste management industry, and it’s a greener alternative to landfilling. In the battle to reduce global warming, it is a useful transition technology. Addressing the colossal challenge of waste management, many find themselves at […]