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poo power from biogas

Poo Power Infographic Re-Published To Raise Awareness of Energy from Waste in Our Latest AD Blog Post

Poo Power! The Poo from sewage works is making a LOT of power!

Just look at our large image below which gives you THE FACTS ABOUT POO POWER.

Infographic that demonstrates poo power. Electric power generated from poo!
Poo Power! Don't laugh! This is a serious energy source!

The way the subject is handled won't meet the approval of some people (we apologize if that is you…) as the source of this very clean and environmentally sustainable “energy from waste” is something most of us would rather not dwell upon.

However, the reason that “Lanes for Drains” commissioned this informational artwork in the way they have done, was very much one of publicising anaerobic digestion as a method for creating energy from waste, to a new audience by using a novel way to communicate what most would otherwise consider to be a very dry subject.

If you visit our web page at you can see the full infographic which is unfortunately simply too large for us to embed it here on this blog page!

Below the infographic which tells the story of the growing number of (sewage sludge waste fed) Anaerobic Digestion Plants around the world, we have added a YouTube video which we really liked because it shows an experiment which demonstrates just how well a digestate culture can produce biogas in a simplified biogas reactor/ energy from waste system.

It is just the sort of “hands-on” chemistry experiment which inspired me when I was at school and hopefully it will inspire many youngsters to consider studying science.

More and more schools are teaching children about how anaerobic digestion produces biogas and indeed GCSE teaching in the UK about biogas includes a course-unit in which it is explained.

So we hope that this page will help continue that trend.

More and more demonstrations of the unique combination of chemistry and biology which creates this useful energy from waste, mostly methane (biogas) power source can only mean that the take-up of AD will grow further.

We have been given permission to use this by Lanes for Drains – Drainage Contractor, through the embedding code they provide below this interesting infographic image, in its original location, on their website.

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