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Twister Seditank

Sustainable Food Waste Recycling with Seditank

Sustainable Food Waste Recycling Solutions: Eliminating Grit and Plastics with the Seditank

This article is all about sustainable food waste recycling solutions which can be achieved by eliminating grit and plastics from the organic soup output of the Twister™ and Seditank™ depackaging machinery manufactured, supplied and serviced by the Drycake™ company. The sustainable solutions considered to be the aim of the recycling/ waste processing plant operators are: […]

Mechanical MSW Processing

Mechanical MSW Processing – AI Sorting Technology, Organics, and the Shredding Phase-Out

Understanding Mechanical MSW Processing the use of AI Sorting Technology, the increasing importance of organic waste, and the action necessary to enable a phasing-out of all existing shredding and milling technology is more important than ever before. The world of waste management and recycling is evolving rapidly and with it, the technology used to process […]

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