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Bins for kitchen compost - at home supplies

How Kitchen Compost Bins Reduce Food Waste at Home

If we all ate what we are given we would not need Kitchen Compost Bins. But despite food being a necessity, some food always ends up in the trash after every meal. Admittedly, it’s a small percentage compared to what’s eaten.

But be that as it may, as long as food goes to the trash pile, it’s one more tick for the world’s degradation. Not only does wasting food harm people, but it also affects the environment itself.

While corporations contribute a huge deal to food waste every year, countless hundreds of households are unknowingly doing the same thing. Even though one household and a food corporation have a country-mile difference between them, gathering food waste from every single house on the planet puts them on the same level as a corporation.

Hopefully, this comparison can help homeowners see the bigger picture. By looking at it differently, they might be inclined to get started in lowering their food waste.

Luckily, there are many ways to accomplish that goal, and one of them involves purchasing compost bins for the house.

What Are Compost Bins?

Like waste bins, compost bins are used to throw away unneeded materials.

However, what sets these two bins apart is how compost bins are designed to handle organic waste, whereas waste bins are exclusive to artificial materials.

Since there are multiple choices from Maze kitchen compost bins and other manufacturers, you can choose between a simple storage bin or one that features blades.

Regardless of their characteristics, compost bins have only one function: to convert organic waste into compost.

For those who don’t know, compost is a mish-mash of decomposed organic materials. Whether it turned out that way by blending up materials or leaving them to break down from the heat, what matters is that the nutrients still retain.

Through composting, these nutrients can now be applied for different functions instead of leaving them to rot in the trash.

Bins for kitchen compost - at home supplies

1. Enriches Soil

The biggest advantage homeowners have for purchasing a compost bin is how they use compost in their yards, especially for those who love tending to their gardens. As mentioned earlier, compost consists of decomposed organic materials, thus making it the ideal fertilizer for plants to grow. Although, this might leave you wondering, ‘What makes this any different from chemical fertilizers?’

Many manufacturers today claim that their fertilizers are engineered according to what’s needed for plant growth. But little did you know, some of them already contain unneeded – and even harmful – chemicals to prolong their shelf life. As a result, the soil will degrade over time, which hinders plants from growing to the fullest.

Since plants are completely natural, they prefer natural nutrients rather than artificial ones. Hence, compost ends up being superior, considering it ‘feeds’ plants with its nutrients. Furthermore, because it’s untouched by any chemicals, compost can be used by most plants in your backyard.

Therefore, you’ll be applying an effective waste reduction practice while maintaining an excellent garden; two birds with one stone.

2. Lowers Landfill

Data about food waste (EPA)If there’s one place where trash ends up, it’s a landfill. Anything can go to landfills—from old pieces of technology to unneeded resources. Organic materials are no different. Considering how much food waste is produced yearly, it’s no surprise that it takes up a significant percentage in a landfill.

Besides going to waste, leaving food to decompose in landfills eventually produces methane and other greenhouse gases.

Fortunately, numerous waste facilities are designed to convert most of them into energy.

Regardless, as long as there’s a landfill, they can still emit toxic gases anytime. Therefore, even though all you did was take out food waste from the picture, no one can deny that it still reduces landfills.

3. Store For Other Uses

Saving natural resources infographicAlthough turning food scraps into compost is already an effective solution, not everyone is interested – nor do they have the space – in their yard for gardening.

Because of this, compost might end up being useless in your case. However, before you ditch your compost bin plan, it still has uses other than converting organic waste into compost.

Even though they’re already scraps, food waste doesn’t need to clog your countertops anymore when it can be set aside to be used in the future.

For example, vegetable scraps can make for decent vegetable stock. After all, some of their nutrients are retained, regardless of their discarded state. Thus, it’d be a waste not to utilize them.

4. Produces Useful Living Organisms

Naturally, waste breaking down doesn’t often occur without any assistance. To do this properly, healthy living organisms must be involved to break down any organic matter. Once that happens, they’ll produce humus; the primary ingredient for compost since it’s rich in nutrients. Therefore, only compost bins can encourage healthy living organisms to produce more and convert organic waste into compost.


Although food is a necessity, people still produce food waste regardless. Because it’s food, it attracts all sorts of organisms, be it good or bad. Hence, having it piled up inside your kitchen might end up badly for you. Fortunately, many solutions are available to prevent this, and one of them is using compost bins.

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