zero waste
Zero Waste to Landfill and Recycling
Zero Waste in its literal interpretation is a fabulous idea (as is even the lesser target of “zero waste to landfill”), but not so easy to achieve. Untold billions are being spent by governments worldwide to increase recycling and reduce the amount of waste which ends up in landfills and good progress has been achieved […]
Zero-Waste Kit Unboxing: What’s Inside and How to Use It
Adopting a zero-waste lifestyle means making thoughtful choices that minimize waste and promote sustainability. Key items include a beeswax food wrap, bamboo toothbrush, and stainless steel straw. Start small and gradually shift to make impactful changes for a healthier planet…
End of Landfill in the UK? Is Zero Waste Really Coming Any Time Soon?
Reliance on landfill in the UK is decreasing, but is zero waste to landfill and the end of landfill a real prospect in the foreseeable future? Current Progress to Zero Waste to Landfill The latest waste data from the Environment Agency (EA) shows that reliance on landfill in England and Wales continues to decrease, with […]
Zero Waste to Landfill Achieved by Moy Park While Doubters Remain to be Convinced
The Waster himself has remained a sceptic on the ability of companies to hold true to their bold statements about achieving that utopian aim of “zero waste to landfill” let alone “zero waste”. We would all like to think that those suffering from “bad neighbour landfills” on their doorstep, will soon wake-up to find their […]
Zero Waste Disadvantages – Is Not Sending Any Waste to Landfill Really Such a Good Idea?
Ending Landfill sounds great! But, there are the Zero Waste Disadvantages. We decided to answer the question: “Is the goal of not sending any waste to landfill really such a good idea?” The idea of “zero waste” has now become very popular with the public around much of the world, but is it really so […]