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waste management companies

Image text: "UK Waste Management Top 20 Companies".

UK Waste Management Top 20 Companies

The UK Waste Management Top 20 Companies are listed below with the latest published data ( 2019/2020) Revenues are given in £ millions GBP. A summary of the background information for the top 5 UK Waste Management Companies is provided below the following chart of the top 20 companies. Veolia Environmental Services comes first. It is […]

Electronic Duty of Care – Tackling The Challenges to the UK Waste Industry of Going Digital

The edoc programme (electronic duty of care) – IT use in UK waste companies to create, share, sign and register waste transfers online from January 2014

Will EDoc Be Enough To Bring The Waste Industry Into The 21st Century?

The Environment Agency (EA) has launched the national electronic duty of care programme (EDoc), due to roll out in 2014. It is set to modernise the way waste data is collected in the UK, moving the industry away from its antiquated paper-based system.

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