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climate change


Five Ways To Mitigate Climate Change

Climate change is a pressing issue facing our world today. Every day, we see the effects of rising global temperatures – from extreme weather events to diminishing ice caps. In 2013, for a stark example, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere went over 400 parts per million for the first time in human […]

Waste Management and Climate Change

Waste Management And Climate Change: The Damage Done by Rubbish and Solutions

Waste management and climate change, or the way we dispose of our trash and the contribution of what we throw away to global warming, is a big issue. The climate change emergency is not all about excessive use of non-renewable energy. It is also about vast global methane-emitting landfills, and how we plan to transition […]

Image features the motif How to Green Up your lifestyle.

How to Green Up Your Lifestyle and Save Money

Isn’t it time to learn how to green up your lifestyle? Unless you live in a cave on a remote island, without any method of communicating with the outside world, you will know one fact. That fact is that climate change/ global warming and resource depletion are environmental issues that are not about to go […]

Starbucks the home of the plastic covered paper cup.

Coffee Cup Recycling – Has DS Smith Got the Solution for the UK?

So, what’s this about coffee cup recycling? To bring you up to date with recent events on Coffee Cup Recycling, we need to turn back the clock to 2008. In 2008, Starbucks declared that it would go over to a 100% recyclable paper cup in all its stores, and increase re-use to 25% by 2015. […]

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