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Profit from your LFG and reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions

Introduction to Landfill Gas Extraction Systems eBook

Learn about LANDFILL GAS EXTRACTION design, installation, operation and maintenance, including LANDFILL GAS ENERGY FROM WASTE (EfW)

Over 50 pages of essential information on landfill gas extraction system principles to bring your knowledge up to a standard to start designing your own extraction systems, appraise designs, or assess financial worth of an EfW project.

Click here for more information about our eBook.

The “Wasters” Waste Management Related Web Sites

“Here is a list of the various Waste Management web sites that I have created over the past 5 or more years.

It has now reached the point that there are so many that I will need this list myself in order to keep track of them, and ensure that I regularly update them.

All the sites are independent of any manufacturer.”

I have listed them in chronological order with the oldest first:

www.leachate.co.uk – Leachate Treatment Site: UK centred and Worldwide Plants. Normally ranks well in all search engines. Provides detailed information and many case studies on the design and commissioning of biological leachate treatment plants. (What is leachate? It's the dirty water that seeps out of landfilled waste mostly from rain.

www.landfill-site.com – Landfill Site Technical Information. UK Centred. All types of landfills, lists, links, and articles.

www.landfill-gas.com – Landfill Gas Technical Information. UK Centred. All types of landfills, lists, links, and articles. Landfill gas extraction, pumping and flaring. More recently some energy as aspects, and details about bio-oxidation research we have been conducting.

www.waste-technology.co.uk – A waste technology information web site which lists all the major waste technologies currently being developed for recycling, waste minimisation, and the diversion of waste from landfill. Again UK centred, and originally based on an extended briefing Note on Waste Technologies.

www.leachate-treatment.com – A site which is purely a niche site to promote the IPPTS Associates Consulting, Leachate Management Service.

www.waste-technologies.co.uk – Is a large web site of articles, directory pages and information about the development of waste technologies for waste processing. Although the Index Page is UK centred, most of the rest of the site is worldwide in content and outlook.

www.anaerobic-digestion.com – After the popularity of the waste technology web sites became apparent I created this site which has in a short period since autumn 2005 become one of my most visited sites, second only to the main leachate web site.

www.atexanddsear.co.uk – At IPPTS Associates, we provide expert DSEAR (Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations) risk assessment services tailored to the waste management industry and other sectors. Our services include assessments for landfill operators, landfill gas systems, and waste facilities on gassing sites, as well as for industrial operations across the UK. We collaborate with industry experts to deliver precise compliance solutions.

www.ipptsassociates.co.uk – UK Environmental Consultancy – IPPTS Associates, led by Principal Steve Last, is an independent environmental engineering and waste management consultancy with over 30 years of expertise. Specializing in environmental compliance, DSEAR risk assessment, landfill engineering, leachate management, and waste treatment facilities, we serve private-sector companies, local authorities, and public organizations in the UK and internationally. Steve Last, a Chartered Waste Manager and Environmentalist with a BSc in Civil Engineering and Environmental Studies, has worked on projects worldwide, including in Cyprus and South Africa. Our services include consultancy on compliance, engineering and process design, planning, procurement, and health and safety. Contact us to discuss your project needs!

Tags: DSEAR, Leachate Landfill Mechanical Biological Treatment Waste Technology Anaerobic Digestion Leachate Treatment Landfill Gas Landfill Site Landfill Construction Quality Assurance

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