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How Much Does It Cost To Tip Waste – A Good Question To Ask

How Much Does It Cost To Tip Waste? – It May Be Good Question To Ask; But It Is Hard To Give An Answer!
A number of our website visitors have recently asked us how much it costs to tip waste. It is a simple question and you would think that it would be possible to give a simple answer, but in reality it's a really hard one to answer because there is no single answer, and the questioners have been from many different nations.

The Cost to Tip Waste to Landfill – 2018 Update

The average cost of tipping a ton of waste at a U.S. landfill increased to nearly $49 at the end of 2016, up 1.5% from $48 at the same point in 2015, according to the Solid Waste Environmental Excellence Protocol (SWEEP) team. Regional trends remained the same, with the highest costs in the … via SWEEP

Solid waste disposal tip fees range from between $32 and $46 per ton in Rhode Island to between $70.25 and $100 in Maine. Connecticut's tip fees generally range between $57 and $70 per ton (2011). via RECYCLING AND DISPOSAL FEES

Costs for Municipal Waste Management in the EU circa 2000:

The following is a table of comarative costs for EU nations reproduced from the Eunomia Research & Consulting Ltd. report (report published circa 2001).

Click on the image below in order to enlarge it for viewing the costs.

Costs of landfill disposal 2000. The cost to tip waste in the EU.

We have reproduced the comparative costs table from this report. No later or more up to date report was found (April 2018). via Costs for Municipal Waste Management in the EU

Why It Is Not Easy To Answer Helpfully When Asked How Much Does It Cost To Tip Waste

The cost to tip waste varies immensely between different countries and between areas in the same country. It is obvious that the landfill (or tipping) regulations will be much stricter in some countries than others, and less obvious but true that because the cost of transport for a heavy material like waste is high, costs will vary within nations.

Then also there are further cost variables which may effect tipping costs within the same country:

  • suitability of the local geology and water table for landfill construction at low cost
  • local rainfall (due to the fact that treating the filthy dirty water from landfills can be expensive, especially where there is a lot of it in high rainfall areas)
  • availability of suitably consented land to construct landfills
  • cost of disposal will vary with the type of waste to be disposed
  • local taxes.

I am sure there are more, but you get the idea.

Things That Can Be Said When Asked “How Much Does It Cost To Tip Waste” and Which Apply Everywhere

So, what can use suggest to those that seek an answer to the question of “How Much Does It Cost To Tip Waste”?

We can tell such people that the only surefire way to find out “How Much Does It Cost To Tip Waste” is to actually contact the Weighbridge Clerk or Landfill Site manager at a local landfill site, or the nearest landfill to which you have access, and ask them “How Much Does It Cost To Tip Waste”. The best way to make contact is probably to pick up the phone and ask this question, but the steps to achieving a quotation which will answer your question might include:

1. Find out who owns/ operates landfills in your area. Sometimes calling the local council's waste disposal officer will help here, if you do not already know.
2. Call them and give them as much info as possible about your waste material, including tonnages per day and week/ month an ask for a price.
3. Wait while they decide internally on a cost. Sometimes they will say they do not accept a type of waste, and if so you will have to find another potential landfill operator, or incinerator owner.
4. Part of the overall cost of waste disposal also comes from transport (vehicle related) costs, so include a request for shipping prices.

That's it. That's the best, if laborious, way to find out the answer to the question “How Much Does It Cost To Tip Waste”.

For further reading on the subject of landfill costs click here.

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