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December 2019

Infographic by WRAP on Halving Landfilled Waste.

Halving Landfilled Waste by 2012 Achieved by Major UK Contractors

Halving Landfilled Waste: In 2008 we carried an article announcing that leading UK construction contractors had signed up to halve the waste they sent to landfill by 2012. Now is time to look back an review their performance. We can confirm that they do appear to have done just that! The original article below explains […]

Thumbnail shows dramatically the effect of landfill gas as a greenhouse gas.

The AD Process Which Makes Biogas Plus Landfill Diversion

The AD Process is the way biogas is produced. The “Anaerobic Digestion Process” to give it its full name, is simply rotting or composting in the absence of air. It can be a form of Waste Management, but most importantly it produces biogas. Biogas used wisely produces renewable energy, natural fertiliser, biomethane. It is a […]