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July 2019

Featured image for The psychology of recycling the throw-away urge.

To Continue Reducing Waste – Understand the Psychological Factors

To continue reducing waste and apply the circular economy, understanding the psychological factors will become essential. When something is broken, I’ll normally try to get it fixed before it goes into the bin. But, I am in the minority it seems. In a conversation with a colleague the other day, I was shocked to hear […]

Image shows a turtle apparently eating plastic bag. - some of the worst plastic.

Bad Plastic – 5 Ways to Stop Recycling the Worst Plastics

Want to avoid buying the bad plastic which can’t be recycled? Read-on for five ways you can stop inappropriately recycling bad plastics which can’t be recycled. What if we all could “just separate out plastic bags and containers from our rubbish”, let the nice council people take it away and without having any negative impact […]


Floating Rubbish Dump – Huge Scale Highlighted by Greenpeace

Since our first article in 2006 plastic waste has reached every one of the world’s oceans, no matter how wild or remote. Microplastics on the other hand are lurking in the sand, and they harm smaller marine life. So, we decided to update our readers as follows: Latest Notes on the Worsening Floating Rubbish Dumps […]