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October 2011

UK Government Conservative Party Pledge to be “Greenest Government Ever” Rings Hollow

For all the fine words the UK Conservative party’s pledges look hollow. Not only are they not doing well at moving things forward. We list 9 points where they are in reverse.

Looking Back on 6 Years of UK Hazardous Waste Disposal Since the Landfill Co-Disposal Ban

Hazardous Waste is defined by reference to the European Waste Catalogue (EWC). If a waste producer does not know whether hazardous chemicals or properties are present in the waste it produces, each separate component of the waste must be considered. Identification of waste is seldom simple, but it becomes even harder where it does not […]

CC BY-ND by Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

UK Landfill Practise and Landfill Directive Ban on Co-disposal of Hazardous Waste

How UK landfill practise changed, due to the “Landfill Tax Price Escalator policy” and the EU Landfill Directive Ban on the co-disposal of Hazardous Waste. “Looking back at the effect the Directive’s ban on Co-Disposal has had on UK Hazardous Waste Disposal in the years since it was introduced in 2005” The implementation of the […]

Recent Developments in UK Residual Waste Treatment

Recent Developments in UK Residual Waste Treatment rules originate from the EU Landfill Directive and also the rWDF Drivers The current relatively high levels of development, and investment activity in Residual Waste Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste all started when the EU Landfill Directive (LD) was implemented at the end of the last century. The […]